Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Square Watermelon!

Ok everyone, this next watermelon might freak you out or maybe it will make you really excited! Whatever it does to you get ready to hear about it. I feel that it is such a crazy watermelon that I will talk about and show you a video about it! So to cut to the chase, this watermelon is the Square Watermelon (you probably already knew that if you read the title).
Well, it all started a few years ago in Japan when some pretty awesome farmers in the Zentsuji Region found a way to make square watermelons by growing them in a glass box. The square shape was designed to make the watermelons easier to stack and store. But, don't plan on getting a square watermelon unless you are willing to pay about $80 for one!
P.S. pyramid and heart watermelons have also been developed! (MIND BLOWN!)
Square Watermelon and Glass Box
Square Watermelons

Pyramid Watermelon

Heart Watermelon

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